Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Juice Fast

So, as you may know, i started a juice fast 3 days ago, mostly because i felt as though i hadn't been eating as healthy as i usually do in the last few months, so i wanted to start over. some interesting things have happened so far.

most notably, prior to starting this fast, i weighed myself a couple times a week, and for the past month or so, seemed to weigh 150 lbs (plus or minus a pound or two). Today, 72 hours in, i weighed in at 145 lbs, 5 lbs less. some important factors to keep in mind are that i typically weigh myself after working out (i.e., naked but dehydrated). this time, it was prior to working out (i.e., clothed and hydrated). nonetheless, it is interesting to speculate....

3500 kcal comprise a pound. for the last 3 days, it has been very easy to calculate how many calories i've ingested, as it is listed right on the bottle. turns out, each day, i ingest about 2000 kcal (4 Bolthouse Farms smoothies), which mean's i've ingested a total of 6000 kcal. to have lost 5 lbs, that means i must have had 5*3500=16,500 kcal fewer than normal. this means i must normally be eating 16,500/3=5500 kcal more. in other words, on an average day (prior to this juice fast), i consume around 7500 kcal! this is almost 4 times the normal amount for human beings. keeping in mind that i am a vegetarian, and mostly subsist on fruits, vegetables, and then some grains, i hope you can appreciate how i must be constantly stuffing my fat face hole.

the end.